Dear Team,
Issue Scenario - 1:
Could you please help, why my bot isn’t responding to the faq.
It’s working only for the first time, and when user chooses the same option again then bot isn’t responding. Thanks
By default i have 3 options giving to the user upon bot launch. Assume, user chooses option-1 for searching the documents… and this is completely working as designed. and now bot asked the user “anything else” and user clicked on yes.
Now bot has requested user to select any one option out of three again…
User clicks on option-2, which is question and answers.
Then bot asked the user to ask his/her questions…
User entered his/her question…
now bot isn’t responding…
Issue Scenario - 2:
Upon launching the bot, as i said above the bot asking the user to choose any one option.
Assume, user chooses option-2 and bot asking user to ask his/her question…
user entered his question…
bot responded with correct answers…
and also bot asked the user “Did that help?” with “Yes” or “No”.
User said Yes, and bot asked the user “is there anything else?”, and user said “Yes”.
Now bot given the user the default 3 options again…
Now, again the user clicks on option-2 which is question and answers…
bot asked the user to provide his/her question…
And this is where the bot isn’t responding…
Best Regards, Ravi