Using REI to deploy RASA X prompts an error, please guide

According to the video course of rasa official website, install and deploy step by step, run the bash -y script to install and deploy tools such as curl, docker, kubectl, helm, kind, rasactl, etc.

duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ bash -y

  ██████                                                                                                                    ██████
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 > Welcome to RASA Ephemeral Installer [REI]

 ✓ Preflight check...
[sudo] password for duanzhihua: 
 > checking KIND ports to avoid collisons on binding to interface...
 ! port 80 is used - checking other ports...
 > port 1080 is free - using it
 ! port 443 is used - checking other ports...
 > port 1443 is free - using it
 ✓ Free Memory: 7 GB 
 ✓ Free Diskspace:    33 GB 
 > Detecting OS...
 ✓ found  ✓ Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
 > To install and configure everything for you under  ✓ Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS we need sudo rights
 > this script will handover all to sudo and not save your password
 ✓ found curl
 ✓ found docker
 ✓ found kubectl
 ✓ found helm
 ✓ found kind
 ✓ found rasactl
 > Creating KIND RASA Cluster
 > This will take some minutes...
 ✓ KIND RASA cluster creation finished
 > =================================================================================
 > you can now your rasactl to kickstart a local rasax installation run
 > kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa
 > sudo rasactl start rasa-x --kubeconfig /home/duanzhihua/.kube/config
 > More examples you can find by executing the 'rasactl help start' command.
 > To learn more about rasactl visit:
 > -
 > -
 > =================================================================================

The result of running the script(kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa) is as follows

duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

Run the following script to prompt an error:secrets “rasactl” already exists

duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ sudo rasactl start rasa-x --kubeconfig /home/duanzhihua/.kube/config
Error: secrets "rasactl" already exists

If use the command (rasactl start examplerasax --values-file ./values.yml)to run, the prompt examplerasax deployment does not exist

duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ rasactl start examplerasax --values-file ./values.yml
Error: The examplerasax deployment doesn't exist.  
cat values.yml 
      enabled: true
      enabled: true 

How to fix the error and run rasax Or how to reset and clear the old environment and create a new test environment, thank you

Hi @duanzhihua,

to me it looks like you have multiple instances of rasa-x already running. What does the rasactl list command show? In the first command you use the name rasa-x for the deployment in the second one examplerasax.

Short explanation of the second error (The examplerasax deployment doesn't exist.) If you already have one deployment of RASA X running the rasactl start command requires the --create flag to create an additional deployment.

I hope this helps.


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@soerenetler Thank you very much for your help.

According to your instructions, run the script as follows, and the output is as follows.

duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$  rasactl list
Error: release: not found
  rasactl list [flags]

  list, ls

  -h, --help   help for list

Global Flags:
      --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.rasactl.yaml)
      --debug                 enable debug output
      --kube-context string   name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string     absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/home/duanzhihua/.kube/config")
      --verbose               enable verbose output

release: not found

Run the second script, which displays the following results(Rasa-x-4.5.4.tgz download failed),I tried to manually download this file from Github, and now it has been uploaded to the vm’s own directory. Which directory should I copy rasa-X-4.5.4.tgz to in rasA system? Make rasactl start --create run successfully

duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ rasactl start --create
Error: failed to download ""
  rasactl start [DEPLOYMENT-NAME] [flags]

  # Create a new Rasa X deployment with an autogenerated name.
  $ rasactl start
  # Create a Rasa X deployment with a defined name.
  $ rasactl start my-deployment
  # Create a new deployment if there is already one or more deployments.
  # rasactl start --create
  # Create a Rasa X deployment with custom configuration, e.g the following configuration changes a Rasa X version.
  # All available values:
  $ rasactl start --values-file custom-configuration.yaml
  # Create a Rasa X deployment with a defined password.
  $ rasactl start --rasa-x-password mypassword
  # Create a Rasa X deployment that uses a local Rasa project.
  # The command is executed in a Rasa project directory.
  $ rasactl start --project

      --create                        create a new deployment. If --project or --project-path is set, or there is no existing deployment, the flag is not required to create a new deployment
  -h, --help                          help for start
  -p, --project                       use the current working directory as a project directory, the flag is ignored if --project-path is used
      --project-path string           absolute path to the project directory mounted in kind
      --rasa-x-chart-version string   a helm chart version to use (default "4.3.3")
      --rasa-x-edge-release           use the latest edge release of Rasa X
      --rasa-x-password string        Rasa X password (default "rasaxlocal")
      --rasa-x-password-stdin         read the Rasa X password from stdin
      --rasa-x-release-name string    a helm release name to manage (default "rasa-x")
      --values-file string            absolute path to the values file
      --wait-timeout duration         time to wait for Rasa X to be ready (default 15m0s)

Global Flags:
      --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.rasactl.yaml)
      --debug                 enable debug output
      --kube-context string   name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string     absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/home/duanzhihua/.kube/config")
      --verbose               enable verbose output

failed to download ""
duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ ls
apt-key.gpg  rasactl_0.0.24_darwin_amd64         rasactl_1.0.4_linux_amd64         rasa-x  
kind         rasactl_0.0.24_darwin_amd64.tar.gz  rasactl_1.0.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz  rasa-x-4.5.4.tgz  values.yml

I have not easy answer yet, but I will try to help. Can you run the commands with --debug flag please. Like this the error don’t really say much.

I also found another Forum entry with the same error (but no answer yet): Failed to download Rasa X from rasactl

1 Like

@soerenetler Thanks for your help. I will continue to learn rasa and try and practice

Solve the problem that the ingress nginx image of domestic k8s cannot be pulled normally,Use the following mirrors


Replace the following image 

hello, I am facing the same error now. Could you explain a little more how to replace the image and solve this error? Many thanks.

Thanks for this news. But I still want to run Rasa X for testing purpose. Could you help me on this issue? how to resolve it by replacing the ingress nginx image? Thanks!