According to the video course of rasa official website, install and deploy step by step, run the bash -y script to install and deploy tools such as curl, docker, kubectl, helm, kind, rasactl, etc.
duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ bash -y
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> Welcome to RASA Ephemeral Installer [REI]
✓ Preflight check...
[sudo] password for duanzhihua:
> checking KIND ports to avoid collisons on binding to interface...
! port 80 is used - checking other ports...
> port 1080 is free - using it
! port 443 is used - checking other ports...
> port 1443 is free - using it
✓ Free Memory: 7 GB
✓ Free Diskspace: 33 GB
> Detecting OS...
✓ found ✓ Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
> To install and configure everything for you under ✓ Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS we need sudo rights
> this script will handover all to sudo and not save your password
✓ found curl
✓ found docker
✓ found kubectl
✓ found helm
✓ found kind
✓ found rasactl
> Creating KIND RASA Cluster
> This will take some minutes...
✓ KIND RASA cluster creation finished
> =================================================================================
> you can now your rasactl to kickstart a local rasax installation run
> kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa
> sudo rasactl start rasa-x --kubeconfig /home/duanzhihua/.kube/config
> More examples you can find by executing the 'rasactl help start' command.
> To learn more about rasactl visit:
> -
> -
> =================================================================================
The result of running the script(kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa) is as follows
duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Run the following script to prompt an error:secrets “rasactl” already exists
duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ sudo rasactl start rasa-x --kubeconfig /home/duanzhihua/.kube/config
Error: secrets "rasactl" already exists
If use the command (rasactl start examplerasax --values-file ./values.yml)to run, the prompt examplerasax deployment does not exist
duanzhihua@duanzhihua-virtual-machine:~/my_rasa3.x_rasax$ rasactl start examplerasax --values-file ./values.yml
Error: The examplerasax deployment doesn't exist.
cat values.yml
enabled: true
enabled: true
How to fix the error and run rasax Or how to reset and clear the old environment and create a new test environment, thank you