Unable to install rasa-x

I have been trying to install rasa but no luck. Tried every method which I found on stackoverflow, github etc. Tried to install libraries like gevent etc but still not able to install. While building it using pip it says gcc command is giving error and returning with status 1 https://tplinklogin.info/ https://indianpin-code.in/

@Kash19 I will suggest create condo environment 3.7.5 less then 8
@Kash19 Downgrade the pip version to. 20.2 less the current one
@Kash19 Install rasa 2.6.2, 2.6.0 and 0.40 or even rasa[full]
@Kash19 Install all code using pip not using conda command.
@Kash19 Do not ignore any red colour dependencies error install only >= one with the same value shown.

Do share me the error. good luck.