Unable to get started - Issue installing Rasa on MacOS 10.15


I’m brand new to Rasa and the world of machine learning, but I’ll pick it up reasonably quickly.

I have tried to follow the Getting Started with Rasa guide, but failing at the first hurdle. I am trying to follow the commands using Terminal, but when I try to run the first command, I get errors suggesting to me that the command cannot be found in ZSH. Is there anyone who’s able to assist me in getting Rasa X installed?


Hm, sounds like a path issue, have you checked out this post?

Thank you for your response @erohmensing. I’ve ran this command in my iTerm session and I can only assume it worked. When I go to try and install Rasa X using the command, it mentions that zsh doesn’t recognise some of the characters in the string. I found the below install string online and tried it and had a little more luck, but it still fails:

pip3 install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

Now when I run the above command in iTerm, it fails and says connection to pypi.org timed out.

Many thanks

When I go to try and install Rasa X using the command, it mentions that zsh doesn’t recognise some of the characters in the string.

that seems really strange, can you copy the exact output from the terminal?

Did you also try reloading as the other user did?