Unable to find milvus-lite when installing Rasa Pro

I’m running an Ubuntu container on my Macbook Air M2. When installing Rasa pro in the container, I keep bumping into this same issue:

  - Installing milvus-lite (2.4.6): Failed


  Unable to find installation candidates for milvus-lite (2.4.6)

Does anyone have any idea?

I’m unable to reproduce this error on my macbook air M2:

  • ubuntu 22.04 image
  • installed python 3.10
  • installed some dependencies (pip, uv, pkg-config, libhdf5-dev)

This install command succeeded, installing rasa pro 3.8.7:

python3 -m uv pip install --upgrade --extra-index-url \
  https://europe-west3-python.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/rasa-pro-python/simple \

Thank you so much, I’ll give it a try later.