Two actions in series not working

I am using rasa version 2.8

- story: search restaurant info + affirm 
    - intent: restaurant_info
    - action: restaurant_info_form
    - active_loop: restaurant_info_form
    - slot_was_set:
      - requested_slot: location
    - action: action_deactivate_loop
    - active_loop: null
    - slot_was_set:
      - requested_slot: null
    - intent: affirm    
    - action: display_restaurant_data      
    - action: restart_conversation

This is my story I want to get information of a restaurant based on it’s location which will be provided by user in a form.

Now everything works but last action(restart_conversataion) doesn’t work, although the action is correct, it just resets all slots.

here is the action:

from import Restarted

def ActionRestarted(Action):
    def name(self):
        return "restart_conversation"

    def run(self,dispatcher,tracker,domain):
        dispatcher.utter_message('slots reset')
        return [Restarted()]    

Now my question is can we write 2 or more consecutive actions together without an intent between them?

I know in rasa 1.x we can


What’s the problem with the restart? If the slots are reset, that’s the correct behavior as per the docs.

Anyway yes, you can write consecutive actions, or make use of the FollowupAction event.

You mean you don’t want to reset the slots? Maybe you can try this: carry_over_slots_to_new_session: false in domain.yml

@ChrisRahme According to docs my story and action is correct, I know that. But after action: display_restaurant_data is executed, action: restart_conversation doesn’t get triggered.

Why is that any idea?

I want to reset the slot after every story is completed, but somehow 2 consecutive actions are not triggred(The 1st one is executed but not the second one)

It’s weird. Maybe you need more stories doing this?

Anyway, my preference in that case is to use FollowupAction. Why not try it?


So I should write my FollowupAction in my previous action? example: if I have 2 actions

  • action: display_restaurant_data
  • action: restart_conversation

so I should write my FollowupAction in display_restaurant_data ?


return [Restarted(), FollowupAction(action_name)] 

Thanks @ChrisRahme That helped

For other readers FollowupAction(“action_name”) use quotes for action name

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Yes of course, action_name is a variable in my example :slight_smile:

Glad to be of help anyway!

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