Train Usage Error

I’m trying to use the train command to train both NLU and Core models but I get a usage error. If I run the NLU and Core train separately, everything works.

Here’s the usage error:

usage: rasa train [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet] [--data DATA [DATA ...]]
                  [-c CONFIG] [-d DOMAIN] [--out OUT]
                  [--augmentation AUGMENTATION] [--debug-plots]
                  [--dump-stories] [--fixed-model-name FIXED_MODEL_NAME]
                  {core,nlu} ...
rasa train: error: invalid choice: '/app/data/training' (choose from 'core', 'nlu')

Here’s my command line:

docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data rasa/rasa:latest-full train \
  --config /app/data/config.yml \
  --out /app/data/models \
  --nlu /app/data/training \
  --domain /app/data/domain.yml \
  --stories /app/data/stories

Run separately, these commands generate the NLU & Core models without a problem:

docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data rasa/rasa:latest-full train nlu \
  --config /app/data/config.yml \
  --out /app/data/models \
  --nlu /app/data/training
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data rasa/rasa:latest-full train core \
  --config /app/data/config.yml \
  --out /app/data/models \
  --domain /app/data/domain.yml \
  --stories /app/data/stories

I was able to train both NLU & Core with the --data option:

docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data rasa/rasa:latest-full train \
  --config /app/data/config.yml \
  --out /app/data/models \
  --domain /app/data/domain.yml \
  --data /app/data/training /app/data/stories