Traceback most recent call

Hi, im running my rasa open source on 2.8.12 and rasa sdk 2.8.2. im upgrading my rasa from rasa 2.0 to 2.8.12. it works fine when running on rasa 2.0 but got error when try to run in rasa 2.8.12. I try to run the rasa shell after running the actions folder it throws traceback most recent call error

does it have nothing to do with this? —it may consume a large amount of memory

@ainul Did you trained the code on the new rasa version yes or no?

yes i do train the model after upgarding my rasa.

here is my config.yml

# # No configuration for the NLU pipeline was provided. The following default pipeline was used to train your model.
# # If you'd like to customize it, uncomment and adjust the pipeline.
# # See for more information.
  - name: WhitespaceTokenizer
  - name: RegexFeaturizer
  - name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
  - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
  - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
    analyzer: char_wb
    min_ngram: 1
    max_ngram: 4
  - name: DIETClassifier
    epochs: 100
    constrain_similarities: true
  - name: EntitySynonymMapper
  - name: ResponseSelector
    epochs: 100
    constrain_similarities: true
  - name: FallbackClassifier
    threshold: 0.3
    ambiguity_threshold: 0.1

# Configuration for Rasa Core.
# # No configuration for policies was provided. The following default policies were used to train your model.
# # If you'd like to customize them, uncomment and adjust the policies.
# # See for more information.
  - name: MemoizationPolicy
  - name: RulePolicy
  - name: UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy
    max_history: 5
    epochs: 100
  - name: TEDPolicy
    max_history: 5
    epochs: 100
    constrain_similarities: true

@ainul and your model trained successfully or it show some error?

it have trained successfully but got this issue only during the train model

it seems like it shows traceback error when try to run in actions that required form. could you help me on this?

@ainul please share the code for

hi, i tried to change in my the return value “software_installation_form” instead of “validate_software_installation_form” and re-train the model but still got the same error. anyone can help me on this? i’ve been stuck for 3 days

can @koaning help me on this?

Hi ainul.

In order for me to help in the future, please post the actual text into the channel instead of the screenshots. That way we can more easily copy/paste the code and help you debug. If you want to share code you can use the markdown syntax to give the code proper highlighting too. You can read more about that syntax here. We also have a guide on how to ask great questions that gives me details on this feature.

A few quick things:

  • Your custom action code seems to be missing, could you share it again?
  • Are you sure your custom action server is up and running?

Hi, thank you for noticing me!

here is my rasa version:

and my action server is up and running.

@ainul as mentioned before, could you add the version information in markdown format instead of a screenshot?

Also, could you share the full traceback of the error?

Could you share your file? Are you using rules to define your form?

Try with 2.2, it should work with that

and as many has pointed out, don’t send screen shots use markdown, here is guide

and as many has pointed out, share your config files, in this case domain and action in minimun