I tried upgrading degrading python packages of sanic and other but it was never getting compatible.
If you can tell me if I can download python packages in specific order I can try that.
Rasa Version : 3.0.2
Minimum Compatible Version: 3.0.0
Rasa SDK Version : 3.0.2
Rasa X Version : None
Python Version : 3.7.9
Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0
Python Path : c:\workspace\rasa_space_3.2\scripts\python.exe
I’m getting this same error when trying to connect from an external frontend (using Rasa’s recommended widget) to an instance that was deployed with Rasa X (Enterprise).
I had to add the following information in the “values.yml” file used for creating the instance:
It seems that the faq bot is running as shown above, however, when I type some questions, it stucks.
This issue occurs if the questions are Retrieval Intents I do not know if this intent will affect the bot.
This is what I see in the command prompt:
C:\Users\Techteam\anaconda3\envs\rasa_bot\lib\site-packages\sanic_cors\extension.py:39: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
SANIC_VERSION = LooseVersion(sanic_version)
C:\Users\Techteam\anaconda3\envs\rasa_bot\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\__init__.py:169: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
if LooseVersion(module.__version__) < minver:
C:\Users\Techteam\anaconda3\envs\rasa_bot\lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\version.py:346: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
other = LooseVersion(other)
2022-08-03 10:46:25 INFO root - Starting Rasa server on
C:\Users\Techteam\anaconda3\envs\rasa_bot\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_addons\utils\ensure_tf_install.py:47: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are
deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
min_version = LooseVersion(INCLUSIVE_MIN_TF_VERSION)
2022-08-03 10:46:27 INFO rasa.core.processor - Loading model models\20220801-154833-atomic-rebate.tar.gz...
2022-08-03 10:46:31 INFO rasa.nlu.tokenizers.jieba_tokenizer - Loading Jieba User Dictionary at C:\Users\Techteam\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpse563vhs\train_JiebaTokenizer1\gratus.txt
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache C:\Users\Techteam\AppData\Local\Temp\jieba.cache
Loading model cost 0.568 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built successfully.
2022-08-03 10:46:55 WARNING rasa.shared.utils.common - The UnexpecTED Intent Policy is currently experimental and might change or be removed in the future 🔬 Please share your feedback on it in the forum (http://forum.rasa.com) to help us make this feature ready for production.
2022-08-03 10:47:01 INFO root - Rasa server is up and running.
The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols (further occurrences of this error will be logged with level INFO)
This is what I see in Postman after I click the ‘Send’ button:
Hi, I am using rasa 3.6 and facing following error while connecting with web by socket.io
“The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols (further occurrences of this error will be logged with level INFO)”
Hello, I am also having the same issues with Rasa 3.6 and socket.io:
Rasa Version : 3.6.20
Minimum Compatible Version: 3.5.0
Rasa SDK Version : 3.6.2
Python Version : 3.9.19
Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0
Kindly ask for your advice.