Strange new 404 error in action server

So, this is weird as this was working yesterday … using starter-pack-rasa-stack today I get:

tell me a joke
2018-11-30 14:01:53 ERROR    rasa_core.actions.action  - Failed to run custom action 'action_joke'. Action server responded with a non 200 status code of 404. Make sure your action server properly runs actions and returns a 200 once the action is executed. Error: 404 Client Error: NOT FOUND for url: http://localhost:5055/webhook/
2018-11-30 14:01:53 ERROR    rasa_core.processor  - Encountered an exception while running action 'action_joke'. Bot will continue, but the actions events are lost. Make sure to fix the exception in your custom code.
2018-11-30 14:01:53 ERROR    rasa_core.processor  - Failed to execute custom action.

The action server is running:

 make action-server
/usr/local/opt/python2/bin/python2.7 -m rasa_core_sdk.endpoint --actions actions
INFO:__main__:Starting action endpoint server...
INFO:rasa_core_sdk.executor:Registered function for 'action_joke'.
INFO:__main__:Action endpoint is up and running. on ('', 5055) - - [2018-11-30 14:01:53] "POST /webhook/ HTTP/1.1" 404 342 0.006772

I still have the latest pip packages:

  • rasa-core 0.12.2
  • rasa-core-sdk 0.12.1
  • rasa-nlu 0.13.8

Any idea what is wrong?

I am also getting the same error, I did install rasa-stack and ran the action. I am also using the same packages

  • rasa-core 0.12.2
  • rasa-core-sdk 0.12.1
  • rasa-nlu 0.13.8

Not able to find any reason.

@Juste could that be related to any changes made yesterday?

@Juste well I answered my own question that diff was the issue:

-  url: 'http://localhost:5055/webhook'
+  url: "http://localhost:5055/webhook/"

from commit f9c75a944be8f3c86b7b0cab86199838f553add6 updated for v0.12

@aggarwalrahul86 try changing that in the endpoints.yml : remove the last slash in the URL.

That’s true, that slash at the end shouldn’t be there. Thanks for raising this, fixed it now.

Thanks a lot…Yes it worked :slight_smile: