We have created stories where the actions are different for the same intents which are executed based on the slot_was_set (slots). First time in the session, it followed the story properly, but the next time, it was not following the relevant story.
- story: story | affirm part
- intent: intent1
- slot_was_set:
- is_authenticated: true
- is_activated: Y
- slot1: true
- slot2: true
- slot3: true
- slot4: true
- slot5: false
- slot6: false
- slot7: true
- slot8: category1
- slot9: categ2
- action: utter_utterance1
- intent: affirm
- action: action_one
- intent: affirm
- action: utter_issue_resolved
- action: action_utter_flow_feedback_form
- story: story | deny part
- intent: intent1
- slot_was_set:
- is_authenticated: true
- is_activated: Y
- slot1: true
- slot2: true
- slot3: true
- slot4: true
- slot5: false
- slot6: false
- slot7: true
- slot8: category1
- slot9: categ2
- action: utter_one_confirmation
- intent: affirm
- action: action_one
- intent: deny
- slot_was_set:
- ticket_user_input: null
- action: utter_enter_comments
- action: ticket_user_input_form
- active_loop: ticket_user_input_form
- active_loop: null
- action: action_create_sr
- action: action_utter_flow_feedback_form
- story: story 3 | for slot8: category2
- intent: intent1
- slot_was_set:
- is_authenticated: true
- is_activated: Y
- slot1: true
- slot2: true
- slot3: true
- slot4: true
- slot5: false
- slot6: false
- slot7: true
- slot8: category2
- action: utter_confirmation
- intent: affirm
- slot_was_set:
- ticket_user_input: null
- action: utter_enter_comments
- action: ticket_user_input_form
- active_loop: ticket_user_input_form
- active_loop: null
- action: action_create_sr
- action: action_utter_flow_feedback_form
For instance, in the above example, it is following the story “story | affirm part” first time, but next time, it might follow the third story “story 3 | for slot8: category2”, or go to default fallback, when it should have followed the first story “story | affirm part” according to the set slots.
How should we write the story, so that it follows as expected? Is there any problem while using slots, the way we have used?