Rasa is following story, but not according to slots. Sometimes in the same session it is following the story, but other times not

- story: Example
  - intent: greet
  - slot_was_set:
    - is_authenticated: true
    - is_activated: Y
  - action: utter_greet

Example 2

- story: Example 2
  - intent: goodbye
  - slot_was_set:
    - is_authenticated: true
    - is_activated: N
  - action: utter_goodbye

is_activated is categorical slot, is_authenticated is a boolean slot

Even though is_activated is Y, it is following the “Example 2” story. What might be the solution for this?

Are slots also meant to follow TED and other related policies, which we add in config.yml? If so, is there any specific policy which we have to add?