Hi, I am a bit confused what using slots mean in stories. For example consider the following story
slot {“name”:“John”}
So, does the third statement mean
Like a case statement, checking the value of the slot OR
Denotes the occurrence of a SlotSet event ?
If the 1st case is right, that means I can write my stories by using that statement as a condition, correct?
If the 2nd case is right, then would that mean that if I wanted to split my story based on the slot “name” long after the slot set event, this would not work? For example:
It’s both of them really. So it marks that the action set a slot, and also you can use it to determine the path of the conversation. So yeah if your action failed to set the slot you can have a different story. Or if you have a categorical slot, then you can have a different story path dependent on the exact value of the conversation.