Story does not work the 2nd time

My story is

- story: update nlp version
  - intent: nlp_ver
  - action: update_nlp_version_form
  - active_loop: update_nlp_version_form
  - slot_was_set:
    - nlp_version: 3
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - active_loop: null
  - action: action_update_nlp_version
  - slot_was_set:
    - nlp_version: null

it works fine the first time i run the story. but when i trigger the 2nd time it can’t get the action “update_nlp_version_form”, the logs form interactive is

2021-09-23 20:20:25 INFO  - Restarted conversation, starting a new one.
? Your input -> nlp version
message is nlp version
? Your NLU model classified 'nlp version' with intent 'nlp_ver' and there are no entities, is this correct?  Yes
Chat History

 #    Bot                          You
 1    action_listen
 2                                nlp version
                         intent: nlp_ver 1.00

Current slots:
        nlp_version: None, requested_slot: None, session_started_metadata: None

? The bot wants to run 'update_nlp_version_form', correct?  Yes
Chat History

 #    Bot                                                           You
 1    action_listen
 2                                                                 nlp version
                                                          intent: nlp_ver 1.00
 3    update_nlp_version_form 1.00
      active_loop{"name": "update_nlp_version_form"}
      slot{"requested_slot": "nlp_version"}
      what's your nlp version?

Current slots:
        nlp_version: None, requested_slot: nlp_version, session_started_metadata: None

? The bot wants to run 'action_listen', correct?  Yes
? Your input -> 2
message is 2
? Your NLU model classified '2' with intent 'deny' and there are no entities, is this correct?  Yes
Chat History

 #    Bot                                                           You
 1    action_listen
 2                                                                 nlp version
                                                          intent: nlp_ver 1.00
 3    update_nlp_version_form 1.00
      active_loop{"name": "update_nlp_version_form"}
      slot{"requested_slot": "nlp_version"}
      what's your nlp version?
      action_listen 1.00
 4                                                                           2
                                                             intent: deny 1.00

Current slots:
        nlp_version: None, requested_slot: nlp_version, session_started_metadata: None

? The bot wants to run 'update_nlp_version_form', correct?  Yes
Chat History

 #    Bot                                                           You
 1    action_listen
 2                                                                 nlp version
                                                          intent: nlp_ver 1.00
 3    update_nlp_version_form 1.00
      active_loop{"name": "update_nlp_version_form"}
      slot{"requested_slot": "nlp_version"}
      what's your nlp version?
      slot{"nlp_version": "2"}
      slot{"requested_slot": null}
      active_loop{"name": null}

Current slots:
        nlp_version: 2, requested_slot: None, session_started_metadata: None

? The bot wants to run 'action_update_nlp_version', correct?  Yes
Chat History

 #    Bot                                                           You
 1    action_listen
 2                                                                 nlp version
                                                          intent: nlp_ver 1.00
 3    update_nlp_version_form 1.00
      active_loop{"name": "update_nlp_version_form"}
      slot{"requested_slot": "nlp_version"}
      what's your nlp version?
      slot{"nlp_version": "2"}
      slot{"requested_slot": null}
      active_loop{"name": null}
      action_update_nlp_version 1.00
      slot{"nlp_version": null}

Current slots:
        nlp_version: None, requested_slot: None, session_started_metadata: None

? The bot wants to run 'action_listen', correct?  Yes

? Your input -> nlp version
message is nlp version
? Your NLU model classified 'nlp version' with intent 'nlp_ver' and there are no entities, is this correct?  Yes
Chat History

 #    Bot                                                           You
 1    action_listen
 2                                                                 nlp version
                                                          intent: nlp_ver 1.00
 3    update_nlp_version_form 1.00
      active_loop{"name": "update_nlp_version_form"}
      slot{"requested_slot": "nlp_version"}
      what's your nlp version?
      slot{"nlp_version": "2"}
      slot{"requested_slot": null}
      active_loop{"name": null}
      action_update_nlp_version 1.00
      slot{"nlp_version": null}
      action_listen 1.00
 4                                                                 nlp version
                                                          intent: nlp_ver 1.00

Current slots:
        nlp_version: None, requested_slot: None, session_started_metadata: None

**? The bot wants to run 'action_default_fallback', correct?  (Y/n)**

If you always want “nlp_ver” to trigger than “update_nlp_version_form”, then I would recommend using a rule.

If you want to capture a pattern where someone would trigger the form multiple times in a row, then I’d add that to the story.

If you just want to run through a conversation more than once, I would use \restart in the middle to reset the state.

Thanks Rule works.