Some questions about Domain.yml in formbot

Is there any documentation for the form format in Domain.yml? I don’t understand this part. forms:

  • restaurant_form: cuisine: - type: from_entity entity: cuisine not_intent: chitchat num_people: - type: from_entity entity: number intent: [inform, request_restaurant] outdoor_seating: - type: from_entity entity: seating - type: from_intent intent: affirm value: true - type: from_intent intent: deny value: false preferences: - type: from_intent intent: deny value: no additional preferences - type: from_text not_intent: affirm feedback: - type: from_entity entity: feedback - type: from_text

Hi @MikeDean2367. Could you please format the code using the ``` at the beginning and at the end of the snipped you included here?

Overall, you can find info about forms here. What specifically causes the trouble for you?

Okay, thank you for your reply. My question is about the syntax of “forms” in the domain file. I take “cuisine” as an example. Why does “type”, “entity” and “not_intent” appear under “cuisine”. I did not find a similar syntax in the documentation.

Code: forms:

  • restaurant_form:

    cuisine: # i don’t understand

    - type: from_entity
      entity: cuisine
      not_intent: chitchat


    - type: from_entity
      entity: number
      intent: [inform, request_restaurant]


    - type: from_entity
      entity: seating
    - type: from_intent
      intent: affirm
      value: true
    - type: from_intent
      intent: deny
      value: false


    - type: from_intent
      intent: deny
      value: no additional preferences
    - type: from_text
      not_intent: affirm


    - type: from_entity
      entity: feedback
    - type: from_text