actions_2 working on intent 2.
I catch the case that the user just inputs only “food” at actions_2. I want to ask the user input number but it’s working on actions_1.
Pls let me know how can i do that. I tried with form but it’s not working.
If the user inputs only number(intent: input_value_other ), it will work as below:
Pls let me know how to handle form in actions. and how to handle the conflict when the user input 2 times (if user input only number => action_save_other, if the user input only category => action_save_food_drink. after that using form to handle number => submit with category and number )
I have done with form. But it’s not the point in this case. My case as below:
if user input only number => action_save_other
if the user input only category or (category and number) => action_save_food_drink. if only category => get category => active form to ask user about number => save number and submit.
There are 2 ways to handle my case :
slotset category (entity) from custom action to form. After that form is working and asks the user. As below :
transfer category using slotset to other custom action. The category still got None. I’m using code as below:
return [SlotSet(“category”,category]
Other custom actions using : tracker.get_slot(“category”) to get value.
Both of cases are not working for me. Pls let me know how to active form in custom action or how can I transfer values of an entity from custom action to another custom action.