[Solution] WhatsApp/SMS/USSD Integration with RASA

Hi All! Facing issues to integrate your rasa chatbot with WhatsApp, SMS, USSD due to lack of support of buttons across these platforms. I developed a solution for this problem. I Boyinapalli Sandeep Dora wrote an API that accepts rasa data format that is

     message : "",
     sender: "",
     metadata: {}

And converts the buttons, text, image into a beautiful format:

0 Button 1
1 Button 2
2 Button 3

And also converts the number 0 or 1 or 2 into rasa’s button payload. And vice-versa.

Check my GitHub Repo: https://github.com/LEAGUEDORA/rasa-whatsapp-addon All you need to do is point out the messaging service callback URL to :5000/incoming and convert the message receiving part in the whatsapp.py file.

If you are facing any issues, create an issue in my GitHub repo

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Awesome, thank you for sharing this!

Thank you, Chris. I also wrote to RASA Team and suggested them to modify the code and add this into their channels, so that users can have seamless integration with whatsapp

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Thank you for solving this issue of rasa chatbot integration with WhatsApp… But I would like to know is it possible to integrate rasa chatbot with a WhatsApp third party app like this gb whatsapp?..thanks…

What changes needed in rasa bot end if I start running this flask server in one terminal .Just went through the repo so got confused. where to callback to be configure where is it in credential file

Did it solve if yes please tell me how I tried its not working for me

Hello, That’s a brilliant workaround, Sandeep! This would indeed solve the button support issue on platforms like GBWhatsApp. I’ll definitely check out your GitHub repo. Your contribution to the Rasa community is highly appreciated!