Resume Conversation

**I’m trying to use PauseConversation and after that, ResumeConversation. ** PauseConversation works great, but what about Resume, it does not work(bot responses action_listen) .

here is my actions code:

class ActionPauseAConversationBecauseOfHarassment(Action):
    def name(self):
        return "action_pause_a_conversation_because_of_harassment"

    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        return [ConversationPaused()]

class ActionResumeAConversationBecauseOfSorry(Action):
    def name(self):
        return "action_resume_a_conversation_because_of_sorry"

    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        return [ConversationResumed()]

also, here is domain:

- sorry
- harassment:
    triggers: action_pause_a_conversation_because_of_harassment

here is story, which was generated by rasa interactive:

## interactive_story_1
* hello
    - utter_hello
* harassment
    - action_pause_a_conversation_because_of_harassment
    - pause
* hello
* sorry
    - action_resume_a_conversation_because_of_sorry
    - resume
* info_about_savings{"saving": "deposit"}
    - slot{"saving": "deposit"}
    - utter_info_about_savings_1
    - utter_info_about_savings_2
    - utter_hope_i_helped

could you kindly help me to figure out from this situation, <3

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Action listen will allow the user to provide input again. What would you like the bot to do instead?

after action_listen I’m asking some que stion, and bot does not reply, it continues “listening”

If you want to add a bot response after the resume, I believe you can add that to your story:

## interactive_story_1
* hello
    - utter_hello
* harassment
    - action_pause_a_conversation_because_of_harassment
    - pause
* hello
* sorry
    - action_resume_a_conversation_because_of_sorry
    - resume
    - some_bot_response_here
* info_about_savings{"saving": "deposit"}
    - slot{"saving": "deposit"}
    - utter_info_about_savings_1
    - utter_info_about_savings_2
    - utter_hope_i_helped

I believe the bot is predicting action listen because the story you current have says that after you resume, the next thing that happens is user input (info_about_savings{"saving": "deposit"})