Responding to external events. Bug with HTTP API?

Hi everyone,

So I want my bot to speak up on its own when something external to the conversation occurs. Therefore, I followed this page : Reminders and External Events

So, the problem is quite weird. On one hand, the proposed curl command seems to work as intended, since it outputs both the tracker and the messages objects. If I input the cmd multiple times, the tracker object gets logically bigger and bigger. But on the other hand, my bot utters nothing of what it is supposed to utter through the related custom action, despite the action server confirming that the action ran ('Received request to run ‘action_xxx’).

I’m at a loss. The similarity between what I’ve done and what’s in the docs makes me think there’s a bug somewhere. My only lead, but this part of the doc is having me confused, is that my problem has something to do with the ‘output_channel’ parameter.

Anybody has encountered something similar?

Did you provide an output_channel parameter? You need to tell the request which output channel to send it to. Which channel are you using?


So yes, I tried, though I was not sure what I was supposed to put among the list in the docs, so maybe I had it wrong. I see no way of formally get the output channel. I’m currently using a custom GUI for output and the connection between it and the chatbot is done by mqtt, so there’s really nothing incredible here.

When tracking the input_channel using tracker.get_latest_input_channel() I get a channel named ‘rest’. I tried it for the output_channel, but it didn’t work.

More informations on my problem in case it can help: I tried to do it in another way, by using the webhooks (http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook) and pushing /intent commands. I noticed something strange. There are two trackers (and I infer from this there could be two dispatchers too).

One activates when pushing info the ‘normal’ way, that is, directly to the bot. The other one activates when pushing info via http :open_mouth: I also see in that tracker that all my commands were correctly executed in the background. There is just no output message (Of course, I checked if the action supposed to be triggered externally works if triggered internally, and it does :slight_smile: )