Recover old Files

I was trying to create to use rasa in jupyter notebook and by mistake I runned the following command

from rasa.cli.scaffold import create_initial_project
import os

project = "."

# move into project directory and show files

This replaced my complete code base by initial files of rasa? Can anyone help me to get the old nlu,action,stores files this completed erupted my project

Any help would matter

@Anvesh I guess while using chdir you just moved the files from the current working directory, please inspect the environment or jupyter notebook your files should be there only. or you can run the rasa init to create the initial files?

I checked my files it is overwritten by initial files of rasa I think that is because I executed the below commands, only old model.tar file is untouched , everything else is gone

config = "config.yml"
training_files = "data/"
domain = "domain.yml"
output = "models/"
print(config, training_files, domain, output)
import rasa

model_path = rasa.train(domain, config, [training_files], output)


Is there any way to get actions,nlu,domain,config from model.tar file?

@Anvesh its you complete working project or just the rasa default files?

only all the rasa default files are overwritten

@Anvesh Right so don’t worry, try create the new project and install rasa init and you will get the default files and copy from that folder and paste in original folder or you can even install in your current project aswell.