(Leena Bora)
March 15, 2021, 11:34am
I have a CI-CD pipeline ready which deploys and run Rasa server and Rasa Action Server on a kuberneties cluster (on dev box).
Now I want to deploy Rasa-X without impacting existing pipeline using helm chart (as we are already using helm chart for rest of our deployment).
But Rasa-X installation also deploys Rasa Server and Rasa Action Server. I don’t want. I already have it running.
How can I achieve it.
Next Question:
How do I tell my Rasa X to choose a same trained model (which has been used for running Rasa Server)
I was looking at the architecture diagram. There it suggest that Rasa X can read model from DB.
Is this true?
(Souvik Ghosh)
March 15, 2021, 2:35pm
Rasa X helm charts are open source
You can adjust what you want to deploy here accordingly.
1 Like
(Leena Bora)
March 16, 2021, 4:20am
Thanks Souvik.
We have gone through it.
It is still not clear for me If I have my rasa server running and Rasa X server running. How do they communicate with each other?
Reason for asking this question is - when I run Rasa Locally, I actually upload pre-trained model in rasa X.
What is the procedure for Rasa X running on server?
Do we explicitly need to provide pre-trained model to it?
I think currently we need to do this manually.
Can we do automate this step as I want to add this to CI-CD pipeline.
(Souvik Ghosh)
March 16, 2021, 7:09am
the communication between rasa X and rasa happens through an event broker, in the case of the above helm deployments, it is via RabbitMQ where the tracker is shared between Rasa X and Rasa server.
Personally the helm charts above worked for me. Though i don’t use Rasa X anymore.
This is your architecture
Rasa X - It is interface for managing your training data, models etc
Rasa worker- A rasa instance that trains your model
Rasa Server- A rasa instance that serves your model
Redis as your Tracker store
RabbitMQ - Your event broker
Duckling - for number/currency extraction
PostgresDB - for saving your training data displayed on rasa X
(Leena Bora)
March 16, 2021, 8:50am
This is very helpful Souvik.
I have couple of more aligned queries. I have created a separate post for that.
Can you please answer these queries:
I have my Rasa server and Action Server running independently on different server (through CI-CD pipeline).
Now I want to deploy Rasa x (and not Rasa server) separately.
I have following questions:
How is communication between Rasa and Rasa-X will happen?
Why is communication between Rasa and Rasa-X is important?
Correct my understanding:
The communication between Rasa and Rasa-X is important because then we can visualize actual conversations coming to our bot (Rasa Server) and c…