With “Rasa x --Production” command, rasax ui is not loading. I’m using rabbit mq as event broker and redis as tracker store.
With “Rasa x --Production” command, rasax ui is not loading. I’m using rabbit mq as event broker and redis as tracker store.
Hi @srinathgnath, it looks like your’e trying to run rasa X in localmode. I know others have had similar issues there; if you do want to try this, try it with the latest (0.27.4) version, as there were some problems with the earlier 0.27.x versions in localmode.
If you do in fact want an actual production deployment, it’s highly recommended to use one of the production ready deployment methods like the one-line deploy script. If you want to try it out on Windows there’s also a guide on running Rasa X using docker compose.
This is the command I’m using: rasa x --rasa-x-port 5605 --credentials ./credentials.yml -p 5505 --cors “*” --enable-api --production
Version is 0.27.4 and i’m still getting same exception. Do I need to change any configuration to run in production mode?
What directory are you in when running this - and in that directory, what does config.yml
look like?
Rasa x command is executed in the project directory amd below is the config we are using:
# Configuration for Rasa NLU.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/nlu/components/
language: en
- name: "WhitespaceTokenizer"
- name: "RegexFeaturizer"
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
features: [
["low", "title", "upper"],
[ "BOS","EOS", "low", "prefix5", "prefix2", "suffix5",
"suffix3", "suffix2", "upper", "title", "digit", ],
["low", "title", "upper"],
- name: "EntitySynonymMapper"
- name: "CountVectorsFeaturizer"
- name: "CountVectorsFeaturizer"
analyzer: "char_wb"
min_ngram: 1
max_ngram: 4
- name: "DIETClassifier"
number_of_transformer_layers: 0
- name: "DucklingHTTPExtractor"
url: XXXX:8000
- time
- number
- amount-of-money
- distance
- email
locale: "en_US"
timezone: "US/Eastern"
timeout : 3
- name: EntitySynonymMapper
# Configuration for Rasa Core.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/core/policies/
- name: MappingPolicy
priority: 1
- name: MemoizationPolicy
# max_history: 5
priority: 2
- name: KerasPolicy
priority: 3
- name: FormPolicy
priority: 4