I want to reset my rasa x password. I uploaded it on google app engine. How do i reset the password?
@insightskillz can you see the password in log when you running rasa x?
Ok thanks’ Nik
@insightskillz you can change like this.
I got these errors
–header ‘content-type: application/json’ --data-binary @repository.json
{“version”:“0.23.3”,“status”:“failure”,“message”:“Could not save model.\nNo model
file found.”,“reason”:“ModelSaveError”,“details”:{},“help”:null,“code”:404}
@insightskillz can you please tell me how you generated this error? and please share me screenshot.
When connecting the repository to Rasa X
@insightskillz you want to change the Rasa-X password are you able to do so?
@insightskillz Emma I guess this is not related to this topic post, and hope you agree with me? Please I request close this thread for others users and open a new topic thread for your new generated errors. Thanks.
Ok thanks
@insightskillz Please close this thread Emma. Thanks.
@insightskillz Emma mark the solution tick.
It’s been resolved… Thanks for the support
@insightskillz Emma, I hope you doing great Please I would like to request close this thread as solution for others. Thanks.
@nik202 Thank you for the response. i have been able to resolve the issued.
Kind Regards
@insightskillz Thanks Emma for 2 Times thanks, close this thread Rasa x password change - #4 by nik202 . Please tick on the solution for closing as shown in below image.
@insightskillz You need to tick this ok Buddy!!