Rasa X is not running locally on the browser

Hi, I am trying to run my model through rasa x command (on local host). The Chrome browser got opended but the models could not be trained. Please refer the attached screenshot. Can anybody please help me to resolve this issue? My learning got stuck due this problem. Thank you in advance.

Can you share the output of rasa --version?

@sambujyoti can you elaborate more on models could not be trained? For example is there any error message ?

@sambujyoti can you share the rasa --version? If you have trained the model whilst using rasa open-source were you able to those trained models in rasa x and able to activate them?

@sambujyoti if you are not able to train, please share the error message with us.

Good Luck!

Hi, Please find the following version details:

Rasa Version : 2.8.26 Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.9 Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.4 Rasa X Version : 1.0.1 Python Version : 3.8.12 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0 Python Path : d:\anaconda3\envs\rasainstall\python.exe

Thank you very much.


Please find the following version details:

Rasa Version : 2.8.26 Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.9 Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.4 Rasa X Version : 1.0.1 Python Version : 3.8.12 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0 Python Path : d:\anaconda3\envs\rasainstall\python.exe

I am able to train the model using rasa open-source and can run rasa shell properly, however, the same model is not running / showing on rasa x.

Thank you very much.

Hi, I am using the basic model that is generated by “rasa init” command. Please find the following masages appeared after executing command “rasa x” (from top to bottom):

Thank you very much.

@sambujyoti Alright and how did you install the rasa x using the local machine? Did you read the Rasa X documentation properly?

@nik202 I followed the Rasa documentation for installation. Even I followed the Rasa installation Youtube videos. First, I installed Rasa Open Source then installed Rasa X by the following command:

@sambujyoti ok, the version you are trying to install i.e Rasa X 1.0.1 is not meant for local machine.

If you want to install Rasa X on local machine there is alternative solution, if you want then I will suggest.

could you suggest the alternate solution please, i am desperatly looking for help and looking foward to the realease for rasa x for rasa 3.0 but for the moment i tried several earlier versions which are compatible according to the latest matrix (2.8.x & 2.8.14). I tried these solutions but none seems to be working for me. Even if I use the initial project after rasa init and rasa-x is opening in my browser i am not able to train or upload any model. Thanks in advance.

Rasa X any version is not yet compatible with Rasa 3.X may be available end of this quarter as per Rasa Team.

If you are trying to install Rasa X you can use the following combination Rasa X 0.39.3 with Rasa 2.x or you can follow this thread : Rasa X runs with several Errors & Warnings - #7 by vio_lovis

If you having any further doubt please tag me.

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This worked, I had to reduce my domain.yml file by the slot-mappings and was able to get it running in the Rasa-X UI with these versions. Thank you so much.

@zer no worries happy to help you!

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