thanks your reply, PostgresSQL is not my customized choose, i just follow
and i am afraind prune docker image can’t fix, actually i reinstalled many times even reinstall cenos7 system. i tried many method follow but failed
- tried Docker Compose Installation by installation Script:
- Reinsall centos 7 system and install docker(20.10.7),docker-compose 1.26.0
- curl -sSL -o
- sudo bash ./
- cd /etc/rasa
sudo docker-compose up -d
the /etc/rasa/.env. bellow:
docker-compose logs -f bellow: looksrasa-x_1 have some issue?? 404 page
docker ps, A total of 10 services:
after all service up, i create user
[root@hk rasa]# python3 create --update admin me 123456
Password successfully updated for user me.
INFO:__main__:Created user.
befor i login rasa x on web-ui, i checked service log one by one :
a) i checked nginx service log, looks good:
b) checked rasa-x demo service, looks good:
c) checked rasa_rasa-production_1 and rasa_rasa-worker_1 service, logs are empty. i guess didn’t do any task in rasa-x , so the rasa-production and work service can’t print anything,right?
d) checked rasa_db-migration_1 service, looks good:
e) checked rasa_rasa-x_1 service ,there are some issue:
f) checked rasa_duckling_1, good:
g) checked postgre, looks good:
h) checked rasa_rabbit_1 looks good:
i) checked rasa_redis_1 ,looks good, but with some warning: