
Rasa version : latest

Rasa SDK version (if used & relevant):

Rasa X version (if used & relevant): latest Python version : supplied by provided Docker Image Operating system (windows, osx, …): Ubuntu Issue :

When setting up or working with Rasa X I encountered this issue on multiple systems (all Linux based though) and on different occasions of a projects maturity.

It seems as when not everything is correctly setup between the various tabs for setting a model (Stories, Domain, Config, …), even though there might not be an error displayed by the rasa x UI, rasa-x is not working as expected. Whenever the environment is in the state where rasa x sucessfully builds and let me activate a model, but the currently unknown error state is present, the “Interactive Learning” page is missing it’s chat window. Also stories cannot be added via ‘Add new’ or as described ‘Add via interactive’ learning, but I am able to upload them as a markdown file


Error (including full traceback) :

No Errors in Rasa X UI, No errors on rasa-production (via provided docker-compose file) Browser Network tab shows for /api/conversations but no error is logged in rasa-production

{"JSON":{"version":"0.28.1","status":"failure","message":"Error while trying to create conversation.","reason":"ConversationCreationFailed","details":"500, message='Internal Server Error', url=URL('http://rasa-production:5005/conversations/27c0330712fd4d7ea182b0b17745f8ad/tracker/events?token={I replaced this}%3D%3D')","help":null,"code":422}}

Doing a curl rasa-production:5005 Hello from Rasa: 1.10.0 from the rasa-x container show’s that it is accessible. How can I debug Command or request that led to error : Post to /api/conversations done by rasa-x when visiting rasa-x /interactive page

Content of configuration file (config.yml) (if relevant):

Content of domain file (domain.yml) (if relevant):

  1. How can I debug rasa-x (production), since an 500 error is thrown but not displayed by rasa-production (rasa-x docker)
  2. how can I find out my config is in an instable state withouth having to rely on a UI part working or not

EDIT: I’m running the same project flawlessly on a dev machine, when uploading the, domain., … to a freshly setup production environment (both are running the same prod config) just the newly deployed behaves like this, also an update to 0.28.5 does not yield in any other behav.

Hey @chrisMyzel

The error you see in the logs happens when the tracker for the requested conversation ID cannot be fetched from the Rasa server.

What about the logs from the db container?

Hi Alexander, this turned out to be a db access issue, I solved it

@degiz coming back to that I still see a big issue with rasa-x not showing any sign of error when the model training fails. It will tell you that the new model is the same model as the old one but not about the 500 thrown by rasa OS which is received by the browser (console) but not displayed as an error