Hello @wabi thanks again for responding,
This is response in postman. Status is ok but it is not returning the logs i have tried all get and post requests, i only get 200 OK Status but i dont get JSON respose to messages. Even after using port address exposed. I even queried it in Juypter notebooks the respose received is 200, OK status.
Hey, you want to configure for localhost or on Gcloud. on local host its very simple you have to open two command prompts and
in 1 you have to run ‘’‘rasa run actions’’’
in 2 you have to run ‘’‘rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors “*” --debug’’’
then you have to point postman to with POST and get request.
You will get all POST and get request in terminal windows 2 or here[HTTP API].
I have issues with rasa x http api [HTTP API] to fetch models and conversation and uploading models using http api on Gcloud.
Hello, I am facing exactly the same issue but locally, it returns an html response instead of json, the status is OK 200; I’m running the project in a virtual environment on ubuntu. any help?
this is the response i get 200 OK for the request
but it gives me an error when i try to retreive Json. instead it gives me this html (same as you)
the code i use