Rasa Forms not working after setting slot to null

Hi there.

I’m almost new in rasa, I have created a form for my company’s application. Its a leave application using rasa forms. The leave form is working fine. but I want to implement a restart conversation button in my UI when clicked it should restart the conversation. I am setting all the slots null including required slot and form as null both in action.py and stories.md

    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        return [SlotSet('from',None),SlotSet('to',None),SlotSet('leave',None),SlotSet('leave_reason',None),SlotSet('pendingtimelogcountslotvalue',None),SlotSet('pendingtimelogsubmitcountslotvalue',None),SlotSet('tcount',None),SlotSet('timelog',None),SlotSet('timelogfromdate',None),SlotSet('timelogtodate',None),SlotSet('tscount',None),SlotSet('tspcount',None),SlotSet('tsrcount',None)] 

* esigo_default
    - action_manager_template
    - leave_form   
    - form{"name": null}
    - timelog_form 
    - form{"name": null}    
    - form{"name": null}
    - timelog_form 
    - form{"name": null}    
    - form{"name": null}
    - timelog_form 
    - form{"name": null}    
    - slot{"leave": null}
    - slot{"from": null}
    - slot{"to": null}    

the initial template includes 3 buttons out of which 2 will initiate form. After I click on any button which will initiate the form, the slot filling templates will display from where the previous form was stopped. I also tried this

return [Form(None), SlotSet('requested_slot', None)]

Neither this worked

## Stop the form execution
* stop
    - action_deactivate_form
    - form{"name": null}
    - action_manager_template 

Can You Please help me to as to make this form working to a new user. Details: I am using rest as a channel

I am also passing this from front end.

{"sender": "100", "message":"/esigo_default{\"requested_slot\": \"None\"}"}

I change the sender ID for every new refresh. This didn’t work as well.

  • Rasa version:1.0.9
  • Rasa_core: 0.14.5
  • Rasa_core_sdk: 0.14.0

Hi @smritmix3 welcome to the forum! Is there any reason you’re not mapping the button to the “restart” intent? That would restart the whole conversation and clear all slots