Rasa Deployment over GCP using Docker

Hi Everyone, I am creating a series of videos in which I will show how to deploy your bot over GCP using docker.

So now I am posting the first video in which I am showing the deployment of the bot locally

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/JiteshGaikwad/Rasa_Deployment

In the next video, I will show how to deploy the docker container over GCP

I hope it helps :slight_smile:



So I have released the second part of the video, check it out here:

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hello Jitesh! I have watched the video it is very helpful, would you mind providing the github repo, the current one is giving me page not found :frowning:

I make a deployment to GCP using the same tutorial , u can follow it .


Thanks a lot! I will follow it, and might get back to you in case of any doubt, thanks once again!

Hi I have gone through the code, thank you so much for sharing, it is working fine in my localhost, now my requirement is if I am sharing the docker container with you with my own files (ex: actions.py, nlu.md, stories.md) you should be able to access the same weather chatbot by running the same container, so how will I be able to share the container with someone? ( how to share just the container and not the code)

great , nice to hear from you that it works , I not sure how to do it too , Hope someone with docker experience can share with us. Do let me know how to do it too If you know the solution so I can learn

From what I know with limited knowledge this is something that related to pushing the image to docker hub and someone can do a docker pull