Rasa CORE re execute action + RASA NLU Lowercase


I am currently working on a chatbot that only answers simple but dynamic questions.

For this “dynamic” I use the customs actions server that I connect with my backend: a neo4j graph database and a MongoDB document database

I used chatito to train my NLU (more than 33000 data)

Until then, everything is running smoothly.

However, I have 2 questions:

  • How to handle the case when when the chatbot has answered the question, and the user then answers for example: “And for entity ?”

  • How to manage capital letters? I trained my NLU with only lowercase letters, I notice that entity detection is faulty when the user sets an intention of the style: “i need ENTITY” instead of “i need entity”.

Thanks for the help.

Hi @Antoine31,

How to handle the case when when the chatbot has answered the question, and the user then answers for example: “And for entity ?”

If I understand you correctly, the dialogues your bot encounters follow a few different patterns: You’ll probably want to train on stories that cover all of those cases.

How to manage capital letters?

As for case sensitivity, please check out this thread and comment on github: How to deal with case? · Issue #350 · RasaHQ/rasa_nlu · GitHub