Rasa 2 is not working on Apple M1 Chipset

I am working with Rasa 2.0. For need of project i’ve cloned the project and did some amount of change at code. I was using original pyproject.toml file to build. Everything was ok till i bought new M1 chipset Mackbook pro. After M1 chipset i couldn’t get successfull build. I’ve searched net and found a guide here on forum about how to create environment for rasa 3.0. I’ve fallowed it and get successfull build (with some changes on it). But when i start train i started to get error:

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.keras.utils.tf_utils' has no attribute 'smart_cond'

This looks because tensorflow packages are not compatible with each other. I install tensorflow-macos 2.8.0 and tensorflow-metal 0.3.0 and tensorflow-addons Pip install --upgrade --force --no-dependencies https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macos/releases/download/v0.1alpha3/tensorflow_addons_macos-0.1a3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl and tensorflow-text: git+https://github.com/vpol/text.git --no-deps. Actually i dont know how can i resolve this issue. IF anyone know how to work with rasa 2.0 with new M1 chipset apple can show me tha way

You gating a error because I am still not getting the proper answer.

I did not understand what you mean?


Hey, have you gone through this forum post An Unofficial Guide to Installing Rasa on an M1 Macbook,

for installation, may be you can try poetry.

Nope. Tehre isn’t tensorflow-text and tensorflow-addons in this guide. And also it is for RASA 3 mine is 2 and also i have added too much code to RASA2 that i have to use my own repo to build. Anyhow not much difference but still issues are there.