i tried to to upgrade rasa core using pip install --upgrade rasa_core but this list of errors show up. I tried to upgrade each package but same result Can anyone please help me
ERROR: turicreate 6.3 has requirement tensorflow<=2.0.1,>=2.0.0, but you’ll have tensorflow 1.13.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: tensorflow-addons 0.7.1 has requirement tensorflow>=2.1.0, but you’ll have tensorflow 1.13.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement cloudpickle<1.4,>=1.2, but you’ll have cloudpickle 0.6.1 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement fbmessenger<6.1.0,>=6.0.0, but you’ll have fbmessenger 5.6.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement jsonschema<3.3,>=3.2, but you’ll have jsonschema 2.6.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement matplotlib<3.3,>=3.1, but you’ll have matplotlib 2.2.5 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement packaging<21.0,>=20.0, but you’ll have packaging 18.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement pika<1.2.0,>=1.1.0, but you’ll have pika 0.12.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement prompt-toolkit<3.0,>=2.0, but you’ll have prompt-toolkit 3.0.5 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement pymongo[srv,tls]<3.9.0,>=3.8.0, but you’ll have pymongo 3.10.1 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement python-engineio<3.13,>=3.11, but you’ll have python-engineio 3.13.1 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement python-socketio<4.6,>=4.4, but you’ll have python-socketio 3.1.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement pytz<2020.0,>=2019.1, but you’ll have pytz 2018.9 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement redis<4.0,>=3.4, but you’ll have redis 2.10.6 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement ruamel.yaml<0.17,>=0.16, but you’ll have ruamel-yaml 0.15.100 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement scikit-learn<0.23,>=0.22, but you’ll have scikit-learn 0.20.4 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement slackclient<3.0.0,>=2.0.0, but you’ll have slackclient 1.3.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement tensorflow<2.2,>=2.1, but you’ll have tensorflow 1.13.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement tensorflow-estimator==2.1.0, but you’ll have tensorflow-estimator 1.13.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement tqdm<4.46,>=4.31, but you’ll have tqdm 4.48.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement twilio<6.27,>=6.26, but you’ll have twilio 6.44.1 which is incompatible. ERROR: rasa 1.10.8 has requirement webexteamssdk<1.4.0,>=1.1.1, but you’ll have webexteamssdk 1.6 which is incompatible.