Using RASA form, I want the user to enter two inputs: question (in text format) and uploading file as second input (upload from some front user interface and I store it somewhere in a server)
I’m using a form to do this, just after the form, I added a costume action in which I want to recuperate the path of the uploaded file to do some treatment (I have the method that can get this file path when uploaded from the frontend to the backend)
The problem is when the user uploads the file, it’s like if he enters nothing in rasa (it does not go to the next action after form) ??
The user enters the first input as text and it’s ok. I ask the user to upload the file as a second input and he does that too (I found the file uploaded in the server). But the problem is when the user uploads the file (as the last required slot in the form), the action after the form does not run!! (the “action_sql_generation_multiple” action mentioned in the story below). it seems like RASA does not consider the upload as the second input and its waits for it even if the user finishes uploading!!