(Jason Hall)
July 8, 2021, 1:49pm
Hi Guys,
I’ve seen a few threads on Rasa X installation issues and I have tried to follow the instructions here to install Rasa X locally in my windows 10 pc. I have encountered an issue where Sanic 20.12.3 requires a version of multidict (multidict<6.0,>=5.0) that is not compatible with the version required by rasa 2.6.2 (multidict<5.0,>=4.6).
Steps followed:
conda create -n “RasaX” python=3.8
conda activate RasaX
pip install pip==20.2 –user
pip3 install rasa==2.6.2
pip3 install rasa-sdk==2.6.0
pip install rasa-x==0.40.0 --extra-index-url
ERROR: sanic 20.12.3 requires multidict<6.0,>=5.0, but you’ll have multidict 4.7.6 which is incompatible.
pip install multidict==5.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver
ERROR: rasa 2.6.2 requires multidict<5.0,>=4.6, but you’ll have multidict 5.0.0 which is incompatible.
I would really appreciate some help with the steps I should follow to install Rasa X or resolve the issue?
July 8, 2021, 3:15pm
sanic 20.12.3
@alINGeNT Heya! update Sanic version please and then try to install
pip install sanic==21.6.0
Share the screenshot of error then.
Share the rasa version please
rasa --version
(Jason Hall)
July 8, 2021, 5:24pm
Hi @nik202 ,
Thanks for looking at this issue.
After running:
pip install sanic==21.6.0
rasa --version
the screenshot is:
After running
pip install rasa-x==0.40.0 --extra-index-url Simple Index
the screenshot is:
July 8, 2021, 5:27pm
@alINGeNT Heya! Nice new error
Ok, Step by Step install all dependencies and show me error again try to install >= one with == only.
Can I suggest one thing, if you agree. At the time you install Rasa 2.6.2 , Rasa SDK 2.6.0 have you ignore some red messages dependencies?
(Jason Hall)
July 9, 2021, 6:53am
@nik202 I like a challenge
I’ve followed your advice and after reading the multidcit and sanic release notes I have been able to successfully install RasaX on my windows PC with the following steps:
conda create -n “RasaX” python=3.8
conda activate RasaX
pip install pip==20.2 –user
pip install multidict==4.7.6 --use-feature=2020-resolver
pip install pyjwt==2.0.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver
pip install sanic==20.9.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver
pip3 install rasa==2.6.2
pip3 install rasa-sdk==2.6.0
pip install rasa-x==0.40.0 --extra-index-url Simple Index
rasa x
Rasa X starts successfully
In the Powershell console I get an asncio error below - not sure if this relates to the community telemetry issue or is something else?
Thanks again for your help,
July 9, 2021, 11:39am
@alINGeNT Hi. Glad its works. For this query you need to set the environment variables to http_proxy and https_proxy.
From command prompt:
SET http_proxy=http://localhost:5002
SET https_proxy=http://localhost:5002
(Jason Hall)
July 9, 2021, 4:06pm
@nik202 Thanks - Rasa x is running without any errors now.
July 9, 2021, 5:52pm
@alINGeNT You are welcome! Congratulations please can you close this topic with the solution for future reference for others. Thanks.
(Jason Hall)
July 9, 2021, 6:39pm
SOLUTION: To install Rasa X locally on Windows 10 resolving the multidict and asyncio error messages is achieved through the following steps in a powershell or conda console:
conda create -n “Your_Environment_Name” python=3.8
conda activate Your_Environment_Name
pip install pip==20.2 --user
pip install multidict==4.7.6 --use-feature=2020-resolver
pip install pyjwt==2.0.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver
pip install sanic==20.9.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver
pip3 install rasa==2.6.2
pip3 install rasa-sdk==2.6.0
pip install rasa-x==0.40.0 --extra-index-url
SET http_proxy=http://localhost:5002
SET https_proxy=http://localhost:5002
rasa x
Thanks to @nik202 for this solution.