I am having a problem on getting the required output.
I created a slot_demo chatbot that input name and country of a person and outputs the name and the country that he/she belongs, but on running the chatbot after typing the country name it doesn’t return any thing. I tried deleting model and retrained the model but still there’s no positive result is getting for me. I only edited the nlu ,stories and domain.yml file.
I am providing the files below please help me with this problem.
Hi @arjuscorpio2000. Overall the configuration you have looks good, but you should update your training stories to include the entities. After the step utter_enter_country you should include the entity extraction step:
Mam, Do I need to include the whole countries provided in the nlu.md ?
country: “india”
country: “usa”
country: “japan”
and so on.
Also do I need to provide entities for name in training stories above the action : utter_greet
please give me a reply
Thanking you
Hi @arjuscorpio2000, you don’t need to include the entire list of countries provided in nlu.md but your stories should contain at least one example of each entity that gets extracted.