Does anyone know if you are able to refill the response for the user using the existing value of a slot and wait for them to hit enter to submit the response? For example, I have a slot called q1_comment which is of type: text and whose mappings type is from_text. The user enters a value for the slot like “This is the free text comment for slot q1_comment”. I have setup an intent edit_q1_comment with an example “edit q1_comment” and I have added this intent to the domain.yml. I have a story for this intent with an action to prompt for the q1_comment. What I want to do is when I run rasa shell, where the shell says Your input-> I’d like to refill that input with the current value of the slot. E.g.
Your input → This is the free text comment for slot q1_comment
The user would make any changes or additions to the prefilled value and hit enter to update the slot. I have hunted around but have not seen anything like this, as this would save the user having to retype the comment. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ken