NLU Inbox broken

The NLU Inbox seems to suffer multiple bugs.

Scrolling : After deleting / processing some entries empty lines pop up, which may sometimes be scrolled over, sometimes not and logging out, cleaning browser cache may help, sometimes not

Assigning Inbox entries and saving to git seems to be flawed, already processed inbox samples may pop up later even after training again, even though they were in NLU samples this time already.


Hi @zipi. What version of Rasa X are you using?

Hi @tyd,

the version used is 0.32.1.

Also i tried again and noticed, that a processed NLU Inbox sample, which gets saved, is stored in the file, but after docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d it’s back again in the inbox, even though it was assigned to an intent - it still is assigned according to the file.

I am facing a similar situation, Like people are talking to the bot, but when I go to the inbox, I dont seem to be able to see the messages, it shows up eventually, just not right away :sweat_smile:

I am also facing this issue for a couple of months now, we are not able to scroll all NLU entries, specially if they are last 75-80 entries

We are using rasa-x 0.42.0 and rasa version is 2.8.0

Also, we face issue when committing the changes to git, the commit basically has a syntax issue in NLU, for the time being, we are fixing it manually but was really hoping that these are fixed in the new rasa-x version.

Is there a place where I can see which bugs or features are in pipeline for the next rasa-x release and when it is scheduled?

@madanmeena can you try to delete cookies and cache from the web browser?

I will try that when I face this again, will report back.

@madanmeena Its working now?

Not exactly, the scroll works for more than 80 nlu inbox, u only face it when when there are 75-80 NLU entries, so for last couple of months we have not been able to see these entries. The syntax issue is also sporadic.

This did not help.

I and madanmeena are on the same team there are more findings related to this issues They are: Following are the endpoints is been called while scrolling down nlu inbox…

  1. /api/projects/default/logs?q=&intent=&entity=&tags=&limit=1&offset=0
  2. api/projects/default/logs?q=&intent=&entity=&tags=&limit=50&offset=0&sort_by=time&sort_order=desc
  3. api/projects/default/logs?q=&intent=&entity=&tags=&limit=100&offset=50&sort_by=time&sort_order=desc
  4. api/projects/default/logs?q=&intent=&entity=&tags=&limit=200&offset=150&sort_by=time&sort_order=desc
  5. api/projects/default/logs?q=&intent=&entity=&tags=&limit=50&offset=310&sort_by=time&sort_order=desc

Totally there are 310 items in nlu inbox. on first 3 calls are successful and I am able see the data in nlu inbox but when it comes to 4th call it is able fetch the data (I am able to see the data in network tab) but this data is not displayed in nlu inbox of rasa-x this content is showing as loading as shown in above screenshots. Coming to 5 call, 5th call is been trying to fetch data multiple times may be because of we only have 310 values in nlu.

@nik202 I think this is a bug with Rasa-X UI rendering, Let me know if any additional information is required, is there an active list of bugs for Rasa-X where I can report this?