Version: Rasa X undefined
I am currently using ubuntu on a virtual machine and trying to deploy rasa x (quick installation). it is taking years. Did anybody tried that before and know how to fix this ?
Thank you
Version: Rasa X undefined
I am currently using ubuntu on a virtual machine and trying to deploy rasa x (quick installation). it is taking years. Did anybody tried that before and know how to fix this ?
Thank you
Uninstall the existing installation using the following command
curl -s | sudo bash -s – --uninstall
Set Rasa X version environment variable using this command
export RASA_X_VERSION=0.33.0
Then install using the following command:
curl -s | sudo -E bash
Having the same issue
Do you have an idea of how long does it usually take to deploy RASA X
Around 4-5 mins for me. Initially, it was taking a lot of time to install for me too. Started behaving correctly on uninstalling and reinstalling using the abovementioned steps.
I used Hyper-V for the virtual OS is that what you used ?