My ubuntu 22 is not changing to python3.8

my OS is ubuntu version 22. I have created a virtual environment in the terminal and pip install rasa. It was installed, however rasa was not found when I initialized rasa. you may find the comment below while I entered rasa init:

“rasa: command not found”

while I further trouble shoot the issue, I found that my python version is 3.10 even after install python3.8. How do I change to python3.8 in the virtual environment?

Is there a command where I can use the following:

pip install rasa-python3.8

After much finding online for the solution, I couldn’t resolve after the following steps:

  1. install conda from Here
  2. open up conda prompt
  3. create a folder (mkdir rasafolder) From here you can type the script as below:
  4. cd rasafolder
  5. conda install ujson
  6. conda install tensorflow 7 pip install rasa

Error: exception: ‘’‘socket.timeout: the read operation timed out During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: status = run_func(*args)’‘’