Multiple user with FormAction not working


I have created a custom formaction where i collect input from user and make an API call. But when multiple user(different sender) are asking same question concurrently i am getting correct response for one sender but whereas for another sender it is not working properly. Can anyone tell me does the rasa automatic handle the conversation from different user or we need to create a database where the conversation flow with different sender is maintained.

Hi @indranil180. By default Rasa should maintain the sender_id and the conversation flow shouldn’t be affected by what other users say. What connector (frontend) are you using?

Hi I am using javascript and i am sending the sender id as well. The problem i am facing is when multiple user try to update the same form at same time it is giving response to the first user who provide information.

For example:

User 1: What is my device status Bot : Please provide device name

User2: What is my device status Bot : Please provide device name

User 1: XYZ Bot: Device updated

User2: XYZ Bot: Sorry i could not understand

Somehow i am not able to achieve parallel processing with formaction. I hope i am able to make things little simple.

Below is the code which i am using.

class DynamicForm(FormAction):

    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "dynamic_form"

    def required_slots(tracker: Tracker) -> List[Text]:
        intent_name = tracker.latest_message['intent'].get('name')

        global url
        global req_type
        global form_user_ques
        global param_bool

        ##For storing conversation in database
        conversation_data = {}
        print("intent name: ",str(intent_name))

        if not DynamicForm.form_slot_names:
            print("Line 147: ", str(param_bool)," : ",str(DynamicForm.form_slot_names))
            # form_slot_names = df_intent_mapping['DynamicResponseUserInputs'][df_intent_mapping['Intent'] == intent_name].values
            param_bool = df_intent_mapping['DynamicResponseUserInputs'][df_intent_mapping['Intent'] == intent_name].fillna("").values
            url = df_intent_mapping['DynamicResponseRestURL'][df_intent_mapping['Intent']==intent_name].values[0]
            req_type = df_intent_mapping['DynamicResponseRestAction'][df_intent_mapping['Intent']==intent_name].values[0]

            if not param_bool:
                DynamicForm.form_slot_names = df_intent_mapping['DynamicResponseUserInputs'][df_intent_mapping['Intent'] == intent_name].values
                DynamicForm.form_slot_names = [x.strip() for x in DynamicForm.form_slot_names[0].split(',')]
            print("Line 152 Hello ", str(url)," ",str(req_type))

        ##For storing conversation in database
        if form_user_ques is False:
            print("Line 161: ",tracker.latest_message['text'])
            sender_id = tracker.sender_id
            conversation_data["user"] = tracker.latest_message['text']
            conversation_data["bot"] = "Provide information"
            conversation_storage(sender_id, conversation_data)
            form_user_ques= True
        return DynamicForm.form_slot_names

    def slot_mappings(self):  # type: # () -> Dict[Text: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]]
        slot_with_value = {}
        # global form_slot_names
        for itms in DynamicForm.form_slot_names:
        # res = ', '.join('{}: {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in slot_with_value.items())
        print("Line 175 called",str(slot_with_value))
        return slot_with_value

    def submit(self,dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,tracker: Tracker,domain: Dict[Text, Any],) -> List[Dict]:
        # global form_slot_names
        global url
        global req_type
        global form_user_ques
        global param_bool
        print("line 184 ",str(DynamicForm.form_slot_names))
        slot_with_value = {}

        headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2; Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36"}

        ##For storing conversation in database
        conversation_data = {}
        for itms in DynamicForm.form_slot_names:

        res = ', '.join('{}: {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in slot_with_value.items())

        slot_values = {key: None for key in DynamicForm.form_slot_names}

        conversation_data["user"] = slot_with_value


        form_user_ques = False
        print("Line 203 ",str(DynamicForm.form_slot_names))

        print("Line 206: ",str(req_type))
        if req_type == "POST":
                request =, json=slot_with_value,headers=headers)
                print("Line 210: ", str(request))
                # response = request.json()
                result = request.text
                print("Line 214: ",str(request.text))

                result = "Some error happened please re try"
                dispatcher.utter_message("Some error happened please re try")

        elif req_type == "GET":
                request = requests.get(url.rstrip(), slot_with_value,headers=headers)
                print("Line 230:", str(slot_with_value))
                print("Line 221: ", str(url))
                print("Line 232: ", str(request))
                result = request.text
                print("Line 227: ",str(request.text))


                result = "Some error happened please re try"
                dispatcher.utter_message("Some error happened please re try")

        sender_id = tracker.sender_id
        return [SlotSet(slot, value) for slot, value in slot_values.items()]

So i have an excel sheet where i maintain the intent and the slots i want to be filled by user. So in required slots method i am using form_slot_names variable which has the slot names from excel sheet. I made scope of form_slot_names to the class specific assuming when multiple user activate the dynamic_form multiple instance of dynamic_form will get created and the slot names will not affect. @Juste can you please help me with this