Multiple forms : completion of one form automatically triggers the 2nd form


I’m currently working with rasa 3.x, and my chatbot consists of 2 forms. lets just name the 2 forms to be Form A and Form B. The ideal flow of dialog with the chatbot is supposed to be as follows:

  • greet
  • Form A
  • FAQ/chitchat
  • Form B

This ideal flow works perfectly, as after the completion of Form A, Form B is not triggered automatically. But If the user triggers the intent for Form B and completes it first, form A is automatically triggered. The flow in such a case is:

  • Form B
  • Form A

whereas it should have been :

  • Form B
  • Listen to user intents
  • chitchat/FAQ or Form A ( based on the what the user intent is)

Could you please help me solve this issue?

Thanks for the help !!

Here is a code snippet of the forms block from the domain.yml file:




       - first_name

       - last_name

       - email_address



       - job_level

       - job_domain

       - years_experience

The rules set for these forms are :

- rule: Submit form


    - active_loop: name_form


    - action: name_form

    - active_loop: null

    - slot_was_set:

      - requested_slot: null

    - action: utter_submit

    - action: utter_remember

- rule: Submit job


    - active_loop: job_form


    - action: job_form

    - active_loop: null

    - slot_was_set:

      - requested_slot: null

    - action: utter_ask_job_form_confirmation_search