A special case I came across is that when user is filling a form(call it form A), it is asked if he is qualified for plan Foo. User can answer with yes/no/I’m not sure. Which can be handled by buttons easily.
If user chooses “I’m not sure”, I need to start another form(call it form B) which when filled will let the user know if he is qualified for plan Foo. Then I need to get back to form A and continue.
Is there any way to do this. Starting form B in the middle of form A can be done using rules. But how can I get back to form A again. Form B can also be started directly, so the chatbot should only get back to A if user started with the form A and not always.
Thanks you and @ChrisRahme very much for your answers.
Switching between forms in the financial bot using conditions and saving previous form seems great if I can get it to work with my own case. I will try that.
Dynamic behavior could work as well and is actually my personal favorite but since my form A is decision tree like form, where each new question depends on previous answer, it is already a bit complicated (specially for non-coders in the team), mixing it with another form might get it too complicated and hard to maintain. Specially since form B can be called using other means as well.
This is exactly a use-case I worked with, so what I did is build a database of questions and what their follow-up question would be depending on the condition and build a for loop accordingly, using if for special cases (see example line 1197).
Of course, you can all hardcode it with ifs only as I did before using that database (see example line 1025).
Whenever the condition is satisfied in the if statement and the slot “howMedsStored” is filled, I would expect to proceed to another additional slot, but “howMedsStored” is still uttered to infinity.
Can someone please help we solve this, been stuck for days.