have two actions both with same purpose as of now for testing purposed. There is only a minor difference between the two.I have 3 entities and 3 slots in the first one and one entity and one slot in the second one,. Now, when I put value in the slot of the second action, the right intent is called but the slot value is set in the fist action’s slot and the action called is the first one where as the correct sequence should have been slot of the second action and second action to be called. I am attaching the files for better understanding, Nlu.md
- date is 2020-04-25
- date is 2020-04-25
- date is 2020-04-26
- 2020-01-18
- 2020-02-18
- 2020-03-18
- entity name is India
- entity name is Pakistan
- entity name is Bangladesh
- shahrukh
- salman
- saif
- bor name is amit
- bor name is amita
- bor name is sanskrirti
- piyush
- praveen
- manish
info reply
- enter_entity_name
- action_hello_world
- slot{“entity_name”: “hassan”}
- slot{“email”: “mahesh@gmail.com”}
- slot{“insert_time”: “2020-03-21”}
abcd path
- enter_bor_name
- action_custom_1
- slot{“bor_name”: “Instrument”}
I am setting the value of bor name, but its is being set in entity_name slot and the action called is action_hello_world, whereas, I want the value to go in bor_name slot and the action that should be called is the other one.