Meaning and role of not_intent

Hi all,

I have the following story:

## Search UDC: request UDC Number but stop
* search_udc
    - udc_form
    - form{"name": "udc_form"}
    - slot{"requested_slot": "udc_number"}
* stop
    - utter_want_to_end
* affirm
    - action_deactivate_form
    - form{"name":null}
    - slot{"requested_slot":null}
    - utter_ok
    - utter_goodbye

If I have the following slot mapping: “udc_number”: [self.from_entity( entity=“udc_number”, intent=[“search_udc”] ), self.from_text(not_intent=“stop”)],

But if I use the stop intent after the requested udc_number slot the bot tries to validate it without without following the story …

What is the role of the not_intent element and how can I use it to instruct my bot to follow the intended story?


not_intent means the slot will not be filled if the user message is classified as any of the intents listed for that argument. So, in your case, if you never want the bot to try fill an intent from stop you could pass not_intent = [stop].