Hi all,
So basically, I was wondering whether it is possible to train stories with the not intent. I have story that is trained for when the user affirms but I want to run a action “action_do_something_else” in case they do not affirm. But instead of training a story that includes all the other intents with OR or something similar, it would be an absolute overload of my stories and training as I have really a lot of intents. So is it possible to use the not_intent to train just one story that “serves them all”.
- story: happy story
- intent: buy_product
- action: utter_product_offer
- intent: affirm
- action: utter_product_prize
- story: unhappy story
- intent: buy_product
- action: utter_product_offer
- intent: deny, ask_question, learn, .....(many intents)
- action: utter_do_something else