Libraries Core and NLU conflicting over packages

When I run the following install (pip install -r requirements.txt), I get a clash telling me that rasa-nlu expects coloredlogs 9.0 but that 10.0 is installed; a similar issue happens with packaging. The thing is, I did this with a fresh virtual environment and all I did was install rasa-core and rasa-nlu to the current latest versions (core : 0.13.0, nlu : 0.14.1). I am listing my requirements below.

This doesn’t seem problematic for us now because coloredlogs is about coloring logs in the terminal and packaging is about (I think, correct me if I am wrong) unit tests, but we are not doing those yet. But the red error with package versions clashing is definitely not comfortable. How could this be fixed?

setuptools==39.1.0 \ sklearn_crfsuite==0.3.6

I am be able to install, but tensorflow==1.10.0 And the pip install it one by one

Here is the summary of incompatible packages

rasa-nlu 0.14.2 has requirement coloredlogs~=9.0, but you'll have coloredlogs 10.0 which is incompatible.
rasa-nlu 0.14.2 has requirement packaging~=17.1, but you'll have packaging 18.0 which is incompatible. 

rasa-core 0.13.1 has requirement coloredlogs~=10.0, but you'll have coloredlogs 9.3.1 which is incompatible.
rasa-core 0.13.1 has requirement packaging~=18.0, but you'll have packaging 17.1 which is incompatible.
rasa-core-sdk 0.12.1 has requirement coloredlogs~=10.0, but you'll have coloredlogs 9.3.1 which is incompatible.

spacy 2.0.18 has requirement numpy>=1.15.0, but you'll have numpy 1.14.5 which is incompatible.
rasa-core 0.13.1 has requirement coloredlogs~=10.0, but you'll have coloredlogs 9.3.1 which is incompatible.
rasa-core 0.13.1 has requirement numpy~=1.16, but you'll have numpy 1.14.5 which is incompatible.
rasa-core 0.13.1 has requirement packaging~=18.0, but you'll have packaging 17.1 which is incompatible.
rasa-core 0.13.1 has requirement tensorflow~=1.12.0, but you'll have tensorflow 1.10.0 which is incompatible.