Issues in installing Rasa alpha version 2.0.0.a2 in Windows setup with Python version 3.7.9

Hi @koaning I ve started the new thread here with the results I get in installing the alpha version and also how I had been able to install the already existing 1.10 without issues.Please do let me know as to how to handle issue and install the alpha version too in a similar fashion !

Regards Martina

I think we’ve found ourselves a bug. On a non-windows system the sys.version call lists two lines which is why we never saw this bug before. I’ll investigate it a bit further and let you know. I think it’s an issue we gotta fix in the next release.

Okay @koaning Vincent! Thanks !

And also I get this issue when using 1.10

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This issue has been raised already but just wanted to know if this has been closed as I get this again

Regards, Martina

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@martinavalogia I can’t say for sure what is happening on that second issue that you posted because it is a part of the code-base that I am not familiar with.

I have opened up a GitHub ticket about the rasa --version issue here: Rasa --version now breaks on Windows · Issue #6496 · RasaHQ/rasa · GitHub.

@martinavalogia what version of Windows are you using? Windows 10? Got a precise version? It seems that this bug somehow passed our unit tests despite also testing on Windows.

Also, can you confirm that the ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected2, got 1)-error only occurs when calling rasa --version and not during the installation of Rasa2.0.0a2?

@koaning -The version of Windows I use is Microsoft Windows build 1809 and this Value error I get that after installation of Rasa2.0.0a2 and after checking to see if the installation has been done for the corresponding version.Instead of getting the version number Rasa2.0.0.a2 I get this value error ! The other thing I faced was incompatility issues for tensor flow. I ve got the below results after giving rasa init.I ve been able to train and talk to my moodbot without any trouble

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@koaning -Okay, I ve reproduced the issue in the ticket raised !

Same issue here. No problems in using RASA 2.0 so far, but checking for rasa --version gave this traceback of Value Error. I use Windows 10 Pro.

The issues with numpy and et al can be cleared up by doing a fresh install for RASA in a new environment with these specific package versions highlighted, like ‘pip install numpy==1.16.0 rasa.’

I’m working on a PR for a fix here.

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Hi Vincent. I made a PR[#7064] for this. Instead of parsing the sys.version, I tried platform.python_version()

Hi , I am getting this issue while trying to install Rasa 2.0.0 in Windows version 10.How can this be resolved ? With Python version 3.7.7 on Windows 10 got the below issue

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Therefore I have reinstalled Python 3.6 to resolve the tensor flow issue ,now facing this

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any suggestions on how to resolve this

Setting up Rasa 2.0 on a windows 10 setup using Python 3.6

Thanks in advance

Use any of the websocket versions explicitly specified while installing, that should do it.