Issue with rasa tensorflow embedding

I am new to Rasa and I am going to build my own language model with rasa tensorflow embedding. In there I configured pipeline as “tensorflow_embedding”. But it gives an error saying

rasa_nlu.config.InvalidConfigError: No pipeline specified and unknown pipeline template ‘tensorflow_embedding’ passed. Known pipeline templates: mitie, spacy_sklearn, mitie_sklearn, all_components, keyword”.

Can you please help me.

hey @Lakshi did you followed the pipeline template mentioned here Choosing a Rasa NLU Pipeline

I have noticed this too in Rasa 2x version. So, i figure that the Tensorflow_embedding pipeline was introduced in RASA NLU 0.12, changed to “supervised_embeddings” pipeline in Rasa 1x version and later was deprecated in higher versions. The migration guides show an Embedding Intent Classifier , which is now replaced by DIET classifier. So, my question is the Rasa 's suggested config, derived from the original Tensorflow_embedding pipeline, since they share many similar components?

