InvalidRule: Contradicting rules or stories found 🚨.- the prediction of the action 'utter_price_for_once_a_week' in rule 'once a week' is contradicting with rule(s) 'twice a week'

nlu.yml (2.8 KB) rules.yml (638 Bytes) stories.yml (874 Bytes) domain.yml (1.2 KB) Can anybody help me to solve this problem

@vidyaprasanna Hi, I see you defined two rules having same functionality but with different slot values. I recommend using this format in stories as it is more flexible to use if you have similar actions.

Basically rule are better when you have a fixed action to be taken when a certain intent is learnt. Like for example whenever the user says hi the bot should reply with only hi or hello.

Remove these rules from rules.yml and add them to stories.yml, I hope that will solve the issue.

Thank you for the insights