Intent gets copied as the user input

I did a fresh installation of Rasa X == 0.42.x using the quick installation script from the installation page. Everything worked fine, including the training. However, when I talk to the bot, the intent gets set as the user input itself.

The logs on rasa-worker container looked like this which I assume is normal.

2021-11-03 12:23:30 WARNING  rasa.shared.utils.common  - The UnexpecTED Intent Policy is currently experimental and might change or be removed in the future 🔬 Please share your feedback on it in the forum ( to help us make this feature ready for production.

More over, I have made sure the version of the bot was trained well and responded normally on my local machine, in the shell.

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I got the same problem when deploying rasax with kubernetes, is your rasax also linked to your github repository?

This sometimes happens with me as well.

Deleting the namespace and reinstalling again makes it work.

My issue got resolved after updating the namespace :slight_smile:


Great :slight_smile: Please close the thread by marking the solution